Monday, June 4, 2007

Am I Only Dreaming?

Okay, so last night the hubby and I follow the regular routine. I complain enough that he finally gets off the computer. We watch a show or two on our tivo.....quickly running out of new entertainment and we're going to have to start purchasing new stuff on i-tunes if the new seasons here don't kick in soon. Oh but that is not my point at all. So, we watch a csi or 2 and then it's bedtime. It's been a bit warm here during the day and the house is just getting stuffy so come evening I'm opening up the upstairs windows to let some air through the house. It is nice and comfy and I drift off to sleep. MAYBE two hours later I hear this siren, of course it is the smoke detector. I shake the hubby and tell him the smoke detector went off. Of course it isn't going anymore but that doesn't seem to bother me. We both jump up and wander around the house, everything is in perfect order. No smoke, no fire, nothing. I get back in to bed and wonder for a moment if the dryer is on in the garage. Is there a fire somewhere we missed? Seriously though, if there was a fire in the garage that set off the upstairs smoke detector you would think we would have noticed. I convince myself there is no fire and go back to sleep. Of course now I'm sure I was caught in one of those 1/2 dream 1/2 awake moments and that the smoke detector probably never went off at all. The hubby hasn't mentioned it, perhaps he's busy looking up phone numbers to the nearest loony bin?


Anonymous said...

I'd be changing those batteries again and again...

Em said...

Those are weird moments when you 'hear' something...but never really heard anything at all. My wife never hesitates to point out those moments...and blames on me being old. Just not right!

Anonymous said...

ROFL!!! Hey I would've been sniffing around like a hounddog looking for smoke!

MarmiteToasty said...

:) Im with mamalee on this one lol our smoke detectors beep and beep when the batteries are low.... and in that half sleep half wake mode I have laid there with thoughts of someones burglar alarm going off, someons car alarm, MY car alarm, me alarm clock, it sort of takes yonks before I realise its one of the smoke detectors lol...we could of all burnt to death before I got me head around what was happening ...... but I couldnt reach it last time it went off and I had to bash it with the handle of a hoe which I had to go into the garden to find in the middle of the night........

Fank god me best matie Sharon's hubby is a fireman and has now GIVEN me six 10year smoke detectors :)...... FREE lol.... no more bashing with no more hoes...... and thats the garden variety not the 'loose women' variety lol


Mom not Mum (Sandy) said...

lmao at you bashing your detector with a hoe. hahaha!

There have been no repeat alarms going off so I'm sure it was a dream. I'm not gonna ask dh about it though - hoping he forgot about it.

Pam said...

lmao marmy...i can just imagine u bashing it w the 'loose women' variety as well. and no...not me even tho u insist i'm a slaggy baggy slapper tart lol