Wednesday, October 10, 2007

What to Say?

I have to be honest and say that I am not usually one to brag about my kids. I will brag about them on my blog but I'm usually not the person who goes on and on about how "bright" her children are or any of that. I am proud of my kid's accomplishments and when they do something really noteworthy I will share with friends. I am not the woman who says "oh I knew I should have discussed with the teacher how bright J is because when he isn't given enough to do he becomes disruptive and he shouldn't get in trouble for that he just needs to be redirected" I am NOT that woman. And in truth - isn't that every child? Anyway - this wasn't supposed to be about THAT woman. LOL

The other day Jordan was at a lazy, er Daisy, Scout meeting and they were all learning the girl scout promise. A few of the girls were repeating what the leader said and then Jordan picked up the paper and read it. She is 5 1/2. One of the mom's just freaked "she's reading? She can read? How long has she been able to read? Wow she can really read!" Of course my teacher mode kicked in and I gave the old "every child works at their own speed and your girls (she has twins) are doing just fine and they are at their age level." Seriously, I was almost embarrassed that Jordan can read so well - now isn't that a bad mommy thing to think?


Unknown said...

Way to go Jordan. And, good job pulling out the teacher speak to cover! You should be proud of your children. They are your greatest accomplishment.

Amazed said...

cool! Way to go, little girl!

Jennifer @ Fruit of My Hands said...

It makes me uncomfortable when people respond that way to their kids, especially when they act like they are feeling inadequate b/c their child isn't reading yet or whatever. I usually say something like, "well, he's always been interested in doing that" or "yeah, he really loves books." To defer it back that my kid is just pursuing his interests, not that we forced him to practice flashcards until he started reading.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Jordan! A very proud mommy moment.

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Way to go Jordan. I so can identify with this post. What a great moment (for you both)!