Since I'm going to start working all day on Fridays I figured I should find something to put in my blog that day so I've picked Friday Feast - today is my first day to participate.
What was your first “real” job?
I worked at Souplantation as a hostess. I started the day after my 16th birthday.
Where would you go if you wanted to spark your creativity?
Creativity? I don't have much of that. Maybe I should find out where I need to spark it and go from there.
Complete this sentence: I am embarrassed when…
my kids do or say things that I thought I had taught them NOT to do.
Main Course
What values did your parents instill in you?
A very strong work ethic and to appreciate what you have.
Name 3 fads from your teenage years.
Acid Washed Jeans
LA Gear tennis shoes with more than one pair of shoe laces
Pegging your pants and rolling up your short sleeve t-shirt sleeves.
Friday Feast here
4th of July?
1 year ago
A fine first feast! Our main course is similar. Happy Thanksgiving!
Elizabeth at Thought Suite.
Great first feast! Have a great holiday...
A fellow jean pegger
Happy Virgin Feast Day. LA Gear with several pairs of laces. LOL.
Awesome first feast!!!!!
Ah, I remembered the rolled up sleeves now and washed jeans too. Thanks for your feast. :)
loved your main course and UGH I almost forgot about the acid washed jeans!! Have a great Friday and welcome.
well that's a new twist on a meme! and here i thought we were gonna get the recipe to that yummy-looking dessert in the photo lol great friday feast!
We must be close in age. I remember the same fads with much embarrassment. Were your bangs sky-high as well? Did you DIE if your socks (both pair) didn't match your shirt? I could go on and on.
Happy Friday!
Nice Friday post! I posted mine, please come by and visit!
I'd forgotten about acid washed jeans too. Thank goodness for lycra!
I can pretty much relate to your dessert. Great feast by the way. Have a nice weekend!
Your salad is my salad! And I remember all your dessert fads, too. I had big bangs! ;-)
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Let's hear it for LA Gear and pegged pants! My acid wash jeans were so awesome. Did you ever have a hyper color shirt?
Oh, and you DO SO have creativity. Your blog reflects that!
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