Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Christmas Cards

We got a Christmas card the other day. It was addressed to Lucy and Gary. Lucy and Gary used to live in our house. We have lived in our house for 3 1/2 years and we get a LOT of mail for Lucy and Gary. We get bank statements and credit card statements. Some of the statements include their account numbers in full or even checks. We are nice and we shred them or send them back. We've gotten the usual junk mail as well. Some of it isn't surprising and some of it is just unbelievable. Well, Lucy and Gary got a Christmas card yesterday with a note written in it wishing them well this holiday season and signed with LOVE. I have to wonder how good of friends these people were with Lucy and Gary. Lucy and Gary actually divorced, sold the house and both moved. Yet 3 1/2 years later Jane and Glen are sending them a Christmas card. If there was a return address I would have sent it back instead I'm wondering how many of my "good friends" are sending cards to somewhere I haven't been in years.


Anonymous said...

HAH! We get the same thing with our phone number. The people who used to have it must be total deadbeats!

I hope you don't have random cards somewhere out there!

Amazed said...

I get stuff from the former owner who is dead. It does make you wonder...

How is work going? Did you set that teacher straight that was getting after you? How dare you wipe kids names off the board (just kidding..I know you didn't!)

Jennifer @ Fruit of My Hands said...

We get mail for the previous owners of our home daily. You would think that a person would notify the post office they moved, and have their mail forwarded, but apparently these people aren't interested in getting their magazine subscriptions, employee benefits packages, and now Christmas cards. I used to give them to a mutual friend to pass along, but I finally just started sending them back with "moved" written on the envelope. I have half a mind to fill out a change of address for them myself though, so they can get their own junk mail.

Pam said...

we don't have that prob here since we are the first occupants...HOWEVER we get other ppl's mail from down the street, across the ln, etc. oh wait...we did get mail for the first ppl who were going to buy the house, but their loan fell through. it was mortgage docs and crap...return to sender. we try never to open or shred mail that isn't ours...though one of our credit card bills went to the information center that's here in our master community and those biotches opened it. like they couldn't tell it didn't belong to them. i know this because they mailed it to us like that lol

Head Gaggler said...

Haha, people just don't pay attention to their card lists anymore. Some good friends they had there.

Anonymous said...

This made me smile! Since we move so much, we constantly have cards trailing us. A lot of our friends have new addresses every other year, and I never write them in ink in my address book. (yes, I have an old fashioned address book!). But it does make you wonder, three years later, after a divorce, I'm guessing Lucy and Gary weren't such good friends with the card people :)

Gerb said...

This is hilarious. I send cards to those I know are still in the same place, or those who send me one.

Unknown said...

That is something to think about. We get mail for the previous owners all the time still. Most of it's junk, but some of it I've forwarded on and wonder if they've got it.
I do the same thing, I send cards to the people I know are still here, or the ones who I've received a card from.

Christine@ AreWeThereYetMom

The Mistress of the Moonlight said...

What a novel concept. I know my husband had a friend that we had a hard time finding post divorce. It really makes you wonder. Thanks, M

Cecily R said...

I would start wondering how many people I have actally done something like this to, if I had sent a Christmas card out in the last six years.

This year I actually did send cards though, so now I'll wonder...

Nicole said...

Funny story... since i've been living in England I've realized who my TRUE friends are. ;) Hope you had a nice Christmas. How much longer will you guys be in England? We are moving to Seattle in April. :)